Sunday, June 17, 2012

More Lambs!

4:00 A.M. this morning, Speedie had twins!  A boy and a girl.  Again we're thrilled as they are faultless.  The little girl we have named "Uwelina" in honour of my dad... it is after all Father's Day!!!! 

                Speedie and her new Ram Lamb, a strapping young male!

                Speedie with the Ram lamb - the first born of the twins.

               Speedie's girl "Uwelina".  She's super cute!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Another perfect ewe lamb!

Such a great start to lambing this year.  This one's another beauty!  Stocky, excellent conformation and coat and colour!  What a strong vigorous lamb this one is!  This is mom's (Stunner's) first lamb and she's a knockout!  Mom's looking a bit raggedy as she's just in the process of shedding out.  We've named her "Tempesta" which means storm, as she was born outside during a bit of a howler!

Friday, June 8, 2012

First lambs of 2012!!!

B.B. has had her twins!  We're very happy as they're both perfect.  The one on the left with the little white star is Oliver, the one on the right Olivia.  A good start to our lambing this year!